[Colour plate] Prytz, H. O.
Artelleristaben. K. Svea Artilleriregemente. K. Göta Artilleriregemente.
Stockholm. [P. B. Eklund] Central-Tryckeriet. [1891] 16,5 x 19,5 cm.
A pinhole and a minor crease in the lower margin. A minor spot at the upper part of the plate. Two tape marks at the verso.
An image of swedish officers. This is a plate from "Svenska Arméens och flottans uniformer jemte smärre historiska uppsatser, m. m.", published by Harald Oskar Prytz. He was an officer and a writer. He fought with the french army in Mexico in 1862-63. He also published "Historiska upplysningar om svenska och norska arméernas regementen och kårer jemte flottorna" in 1867-70.
Item No: 885