Plate Books / Art & Architecture

Price: EUR 100,00

[Plate] Hårleman, C / Rehn, J. E.

Organorum suggestum in Ridderholmensi templo, pellucidis picturis ornatum, ex quo lugubres concentus & sacra neniae audiebantr dum reliquias Ulricae junioris habebat conditorium Gustavi Adolphi. [The organ stand in Riddarholmskyrkan in Stockholm]

Stockholm. [1744] 45 x 53 cm including margins.

Cut inside the plate mark in the upper margin. Two tears 2 and 3 cm into the text in the lower margin. A few minor tears, creases and small spots to the margins.

This is plate 6 in a serie of 10 engravings on 8 plates, depicting Queen Ulrika Eleonora´s death and funeral in Riddarholmskyrkan and Kungshuset 1741-1742. The original was executed by Carl Hårleman and the engraving by Jean Eric Rehn.

Item No: 844