Prints / Military & Maritime

Price: EUR 60,00

[Plate] Berger, J. C.

Kongl. Varfvet i Carlskrona.

D. F. Bonniers fölag. Em. Baerentzen & Co. Lith Inst. [1850-56] 26 x33 cm. Tinted lithograph.

Very nice condition.

A view of the swedish naval harbour in Karlskrona depicting Dristigheten, a 64 gun ship of the line, being repurposed as a hospital ship. The ship has a special place in swedish naval history being instrumental in breaking the russian blockade at the Battle of Viborg in 1790, also known as the Viborg Gauntlet. The plate was published for the work "Sverige Framstäldt i Taflor", covering Sweden from north to south in 96 plates. It was lithographed after a painting by Johan Christer Berger (1803- 1871).

Item No: 4209