Schlyter, Gust. Ragn.
Monumenta Antiquitatis. Minnen från Greklands och Roms forntid. För vänner af antiken och tillika såsom åskådningsmateriel för undervisningen i den klassiska fornkunskapen vid läroverken (..),
Karlskrona. I kommission hos Bokhandlare Fr. Apelquist. Amiralitets-boktryckeriet. Tryckt hos Brovall. Jönköpings litografiska aktiebolags boktryckeri. 1875- 1878. 30 plates in folio. 52 x 37 cm. First gathering: wrapper 1: 3 plates; wrapper 2-3 (double) title + 6 plates; wrapper 4- 5 (double) 6 plates. Second gathering: wrapper 1- 3 (tripple) title + 9 plates; wrapper 4-5 (double ) 6 plates. The plates are numbered I- XXX. Colour printed lithographs. Text part missing.
Uncoloured printed wrappers. Some stains, mainly to the margins. Three wrappers detached at the spine. One wrapper with some small losses along the spine.
An interesting and impressive large format work on the ancient world by a provincial school teacher in Sweden. Most of the images are copied from international works, predominantly German. The plates depict costumes, buildings, temples, art, ships etc. The described antique costumes can be ordered from a local trading company in the town of Karlskrona, they can be had in cotton or wool. I guess the idea was that the local people should re-enact ancient scenes in town. Here we have the plates in their original printed wrappers. The text part in 8:o is unfortunately not present. A rare work.
Item No: 4246