[Plate] Mayer, A. [Berg, Joh. Aug.]
Upsala Domkyrka. [from "Sverige Framställdt i Taflor]
D. F. Bonniers förlag. [1850-56] 25 x 33 cm. Lithograph.
A few minor stains to the margins.
A view of Uppsala cathedral after A. Mayer, who drew the original for "Atlas Pittoresque" which was a part of the great french work "Voyages en Scandinavie en Laponie au Spitzberg et aux Feröe". Apparently the publisher D. F. Bonnier saved some money by using the same original for his great topographical plate book of Sweden "Sverige Framställdt i Taflor". Another possibility is, of course, that it was an outstanding painting.
Item No: 1501