Plate Books / Fashion & Costume

Price: EUR 300,00

[Colour plate book] Forsell, Christian Didrik

Album Pittoresque du Nord. Tableaux des costumes moeurs et usages des paysans de la Suède. Par C. Forsell, premier graveur du roi.

Londres & Berlin. A. Asher. 1838. Folio (36 x 27,5 cm). Engraved title + printed title + 23 pp + (1p) + 1 leaf of music + 15 plates. The plate "Ackia" is listed as "Kaitum III" in the index. Engraved title reads "Le Bijou du Nord". Inscription inside front cover reads i translation "Given to Carl Axel Fredric Gyllenkrok as a memory of his grandfather (...) 16 Sep. 1839."

Contemporary blind stamped binding. Title and edges in gilt. Large margins. Binding a bit worn and faded. Front fly leaf missing. A few pages loose with slight damage. Nice copy.

The book shows swedish costumes in beautiful hand colouring. This is the rare abriged french version of Forsells "Ett år i Sverige" (One year in Sweden). It contains the plates 15 to 29 of the original swedish edition, which was published in 1827-(35) with 48 plates. A french edition, also with 48 plates was published in 1836. All editions use the same plates and the same colouring. The book is known to be one of the most beautiful plate book ever published in Sweden, a centerpiece of swedish book art. "Album Pittoresque du Nord" is rarely seen on the market. The plates: Ierfsö I; Ierfsö II; Kaitum I; Ackia; Kaitum II; Kaitum III; Fiellen; Wingåker I; Gripsholm; Wingåker II; Wingåker III; Wingåker IV; Wingåker VI; Wingåker V; Gripsholm II; Kind.

Colas 1092; Lipperheide 1048; Hiler 322; Brunet II 1346.

Item No: 80