Prints / Military & Maritime

Price: EUR 30,00

[Colour plate] Schützercrantz, Ad.

Kongl. Skånska Dragon Regementet.

Stockholm. Färgtryck af J. F. Meyer & Co. 1852. 27 x 37 cm.

Margins cut a couple of centimeters. A repaired tear in the left margin. Small water stain in the upper right corner and to the left margin, outside the image area.

A colour lithograph from "Svenska krigsmaktens fordna och närvarande munderingar". A work on swedish uniforms by Adolf Schützercrantz. The plate has five soldiers showing uniforms of the regiment "Kongl. Skånska Husar Regementet" from 1779, 1797, 1822, 1825, and 1849. Very early color printing.

Item No: 873