Prints / Military & Maritime

Price: EUR 80,00

[Colour plate] [von Dardel, Fritz]

Kongl. Götha Artilleri Reg.tet.

Imp. Lemercier 57 rue de Seine. Paris. Guérard lith. [1861-1863] Image area 29,5 x 23,5 cm. The whole sheet 43 x 31 cm. Colour printed lithograph.

A smudge in the lower margin.

A plate depicting the Gotha artillery regiment of Sweden. The image was issued for the work "Svenska och Norska Arméerna samt flottorna i deras nuvarande uniformering" published by Fritz von Dardel. The plate is of the highest quality executed by Lemercier in Paris, the leading print shop in Europe in the mid 19th. century. Scarce.

Item No: 3645