Prints / Military & Maritime

Price: EUR 190,00

[Colour plate] Schützercrantz, Adolf

Af Arméen med kapott. / Af Lif- och Hus Trupperne med Kapott.

[Stockholm] Stentr. af Müller [1824-1825] 49 x 30 cm. Hand coloured lithograph. Passe partout 53 x 38 cm.

Repaired with new paper in the top right corner. Nice condition.

Hand coloured plate from the famous work "Kongl. Svenska Arméens Uniformer", (The Uniforms of the Royal Swedish Army). An early swedish lithographic plate book. The images in the book are by Adolf Schützercrantz, Johan Henric Sjöholm, and Alexander Clemens Wetterling. The present image is by Schützercrantz.

Item No: 4022