Prints / Military & Maritime

Price: EUR 50,00

[Colour plate] Eckert, / Monten.

Königreich Schweden Invalide Officziere vom 1 & 2ten Grenadier-Regiment Ostgothland. Offiziere ausser Dienst der Infanterie & Cavalerie. / Royaume de Suede Invalide Officiers du 1er & 2em Regiment des Grenadiers d´Ostrogothie. Officiers non place ..(..).

Würtzburg. Christian Weiss. 1838-1843. 32 x 23 cm including margins. Hand colored lithograph.

Browning to the margins, just into the text. Right margin is closely trimmed with minor text loss. Small tape stripes in the upper margin. Image in fine condition.

A beautiful lithograph showing swedish officers in front of the royal castle in Stockholm. The plate is a part of the monumental german work "Sämtlische truppen von Europa in charakteristischen Gruppen dargestellt", containing several hundred plates of the armies of Europe. Forty plates shows the swedish army. The captions are in german and french. A blind stamp between the captions reads "Christian Weiss in Würtzburg".

Item No: 751