[Photos ] Block, Adolphe / Grau, Florent / Hautecoeur, Alfred
Paris [Tissue stereo views]
Ca 1860 - 1880. 8,5 x 18 cm.
Nice condition.
These tissue views are hand coloured and when held to light beautiful images appears. Some of them even have pinholes in the tissue to highligt chandeleers. Three views are by B. K. Photographie Paris. B. K. stands for Adolphe Block, active from the 1860s into the the 20th century. The cards are: Palais de Luxembourg, St. Coud and Notre Dame. Two interiors are by G.A.F. which stands for Florent Grau. The cards are Escalier du nouvelle opera and Salle du novelle opera. One interior was made by A. H. Editeur Paris which stands for Alfred Hautecoeur active from the 1840s to 1882. The card: Foyer public du nouvel opera.
Item No: 4183