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Hammarlunds Antikvariat

Sankt Göransgatan 98
112 45 Stockholm
+46-73-775 93 29

Terms & Conditions.



Any Purchase may be returned within 14 days of receipt. Please contact us before returning the item.


Domestic orders are whithout postage.


Orders within Europe has a postage fee of 200 SEK (ca 20 Euro or ca $23 US) 


Orders to the rest of the World has a postage fee of 300 SEK (ca 30 Euro or ca $35 US)


Only one postage fee for multiple orders.


Packaging is included. Insurance is extra, if requested.


The original currency is Swedish krona(SEK) which means that the Euro and Dollar amounts changes somewhat with the currency shifts. 


International payments can be made by Bank Transfer and PayPal


Domestic customers can also pay by Bankgiro and Banköverföring. 


All prices without deductible VAT.


All items are collated and controlled except for dictionaries and new books.




Bank Transfer:

SWIFT: Handsess

Iban Code: SE9160000000000261208748




Box 12206

102 25 Stockholm



PayPal address:


BankGiro: 5446-6214 (Domestic customers)


Bankkonto Handelsbanken: 6128-261208748 (Domestic customers)



Hammarlunds Antikvariat

Sankt Göransgatan 98

112 45 Stockholm, Sweden


+46-73-775 93 29