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Hammarlunds Antikvariat

Sankt Göransgatan 98
112 45 Stockholm
+46-73-775 93 29


Price: EUR 50,00

Hjerta, L. J. (printer).

Nyckel till almanachan, eller en förklaring öfwer tidräkningen, jemte en kort historia om uppkomsten af alla högtider och dagarnes namn hela året igenom. Ett sällskap till hwarje års almanach.

Stockholm. Tryckt hos L. J. Hjerta. 1842. 8:o. 11,5 x 10,5 cm. 272 pp. (including title).

A beautiful contemporary half calf binding. Marbled boards. A couple of minor spots to the title and a few spots in the text. One page with a little fraying to the margin. One page with a minor loss to the margin. Some of the outer corners cut off, not affecting the text. Some dog-ears.

A commentary to swedish almanachs with explanations of the name days.

Item No: 3542