[Plate] Hallbeck, C. S. / Hellesen, J.
D. F. Bonniers förlag. E. Baerenzen & Cs. Lith. Inst. Ca. 1850-56. 25 x 32 cm. Tinted lithograph.
Nice condition.
A charming distant view of the town of Piteå beautifully surrounded by water. The image was published for the work Sverige Framstäldt i Taflor. The artist Carl Svante Hallbeck was commissioned to draw 40 originals from the northern provinces of Sweden. They were delayed by years and some of them were never delivered. In the last installment of the work the publisher Bonnier complains bitterly on Hallbeck´s lack of work ethic. The artist retaliated by writing newspaper articles attacking Bonnier. Hellesen worked as a lithographer for the Baerentzen company in Copenhagen and lithographed several of Hallbecks drawings.
Item No: 4035