Plate Books / Portraits & Caricatures

Price: EUR 90,00

[Illustrated book] F. B. C.[Öster].

Galleri af utmärkta samtida. Öfversättning af F. B. C.

[Stockholm] ´P. A. Norstedt & söner. [1843-]1845. 12:o. 4 parts in 1 volume. Partt I: VIII pp. (including half title) + 142pp. + (2 pp.) + 3 plates; Part II: Half title + 168 pp. + 3 plates; Part III: Half title + 142 pp. + (2 pp.) + 3 plates; Part IV: 176 pp. (including half title) + 3 plates.

Contemporary half calf. Marbled boards. Four raised bands. Gilt title at the spine. Green sprinkled edges. Former owners name -"Riks- Archivet" (The National Archive) - stamped in gilt at the front board. Red stamp at inner front board and firts half title saying "Tillh. ej R. A." (Do not belong to The National Archive). This means that it is a duplicate which has been sold to the public at some point. Some wear to the hinges. Board papers rubbed. First half title partly loose. Two pages with small hole in the margin. One leaf with minor paper loss in the upper corner. A crease to some corners. Interior in fine condition. No foxing. Nice and clean.

Gallery work on famous contemporary people. 12 plates with biographies of Sir R. Peel, Espartero, Guizot, Lord J. Russel, O´Conell. Lamartine, Thiers, Metternich, Chateaubriand, Erkehertig Carl, Martinez de la Rosa and Béranger.

Item No: 401