Prints / Views & Topography

Price: EUR 120,00

[Plate] [Thersner, U.]

Wik från östra sidan / du coté de l´est.

Stockholm. Carl Deleen. [1825] 40 x 52,5 cm. Aquatint plate + descriptive text sheet.

The sheets are partly uncut and have very large margins. These sheets have never been bound which is unusal. A couple of small holes in the left margin of the plate. Minor browning and a few insignificant brown spots in the lower margins of the sheets. Fine condition.

The plate show the estate Wik in the province of Södermanland just south of Stockholm - in its natural setting. The text and plate title are in french and swedish. The aquatint is a part of the monumental topographical work "Fordna och närvarande Sverige" (Ancient and present Sweden) wnich was published 1817-1867 in 12 volumes containing 367 plates alltogether. Wik was published in the first part of the fourth volume - Södermanland - in 1825. Besides "Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna" of 1715, this is the most ambitious topographical work ever published in Sweden.

Item No: 413