Prints / Views & Topography

Price: EUR 90,00

[Plate] Anckarsvärd, M. G. / Fahlcrantz / Wetterling

Stegeborgs Ruin / Ruine de Stegeborg.

[Stockholm] Gjöthström & Magnusson. [1830-1837] Lithographed plate. Image area 18,5 x 27,5 cm. Passe partout 36 x 42 cm. Title in swedish and french.

Passe partout with hand painted gold line. Fine condition.

Plate thirteen of "Svenska och Norrska Utsigter" (Wiews of Sweden and Norway). The plate shows the ruin of the ancient castle of Stegeborg. The plate is executed in the typical grainy black and white style of the 1830s. This plate came in two versions, the cheaper sort printed directly on heavy paper and a more exspensive sort printed on very thin China paper which was then mounted on heavy paper. Prints on China paper are regarded to be of higher quality. The present plate is printed on China paper. Anckarswärd is, besides Carl-Johan Billmark, the greatest lithographer Sweden has possessed. Anckarswärd shows his ability to create lively compositions, in contrast to most other Scandinavian artists of the time. His pictures have a lovely balance and presence. Anckarswärd exhibits his skill in making trees, people, mountains and animals come alive. Anckarswärd also lithographed the plates to "Sweriges Märkvärdigaste Ruiner" (Peculiar Ruins of Sweden), and contribiuted to "Fordna och Närvarande Sverige" (Ancient and Present Sweden) by Ulrik and Thora Thersner, which besides "Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna" stands out as the greatest work on swedish topography ever produced.

Item No: 338