Prints / Portraits & Caricatures

Price: EUR 50,00

[Caricature] D[aumier], H[onoré]

Moeurs Conjugales. No 23 [From the album "Moeurs Conjugales" on white quality paper (Not from the "Charivari"). No text to the verso]

[Paris] Imp. d´Aubert & Cie. Chez Bauger, R. du Croissant 16. [1843] 32 x 25 cm. Lithograph.

Fine condition.

A caricature by Daumier from the serie "Moeurs Conjugales", satiring french married life of the mid 19th century. This was a time when the women´s liberation movement was strongly pushing ahead in France. The "Moeurs Conjugales" depicts well known siuations that appeared on that theme in urban Paris. The text below the image reads: (La femme) Je viens de découvrir une meche dans votre gilet! (Le Mari embarassé) Bon! bon! Tu sais que je m´occupe de curiosité; je l´au achetée commissairres priseurs. On dit que ca vient de Cleopatre!

Item No: 2278