Plate Books / Views & Topography

Price: EUR 200,00

[Plate books] Nicander, K. A.

Pittoreskt Universum eller taflor ur hela den kända verlden. Stålgravuren ur Bibliografiska Institutets Konstanstalt i Hildbürghausen, Amsterdam, Paris & Philadelphia. Texten bearbetad af K. A. Nicander. (I-IV).

På Bibliografiska Institutets Förlag, utgifvet af dess General-Agent i Sverige, A. Bonnier. 1838-1841. Oblong 4:o. 19 x 25,5 cm. 4 parts in 2 volumes. Part I: Engraved title + printed title + (2 pp. contents) + pp. 3-180 (no text missing) + 48 steel engravings; Part II: Engraved title + printed title + 184 pp + (2 pp. contents) + 48 steel engravings; Part III: + Engraved title + printed title + 102 pp.+ pp 105-168. (the missing pp. 103-104 pp. is an advertisment leaf) + 48 steel engravings; Part IV: Printed title (engraved title missing) + 214 pp. (pagination error at p. 214) + (2 pp. contents) + 48 steel engravings.

Contemporary half calf. Green board papers. Gilt titles and decorations at the spine. Rebacked. Some wear to the bindings. Part I with some browning and staining. Parts II, III and IV with the ocassional spot and stain. Some creasing to the end papers and to one title page to the second volume. Nice set.

This is an abridged swedish edition of the german monumental work "Meyer´s Universum". It shows wonderful views from around the world like Calcutta, New York, Rio, Panama, Quebec, Madrid, Rome, Moscow, Berlin etc. Also many views of old castles, churches, natural wonders and beautiful vistas. Here are four of the six parts published in Sweden. The final two parts were published in 1849 and 1851. The engravings were selected from the german work and the text was partly translated and partly specially written for the swedish edition by Karl August Nicander and others.

Item No: 2949